Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ere I am!

Karma's Drum will probably disappear at some point so this is where I'll be.
It'll be a shame to lose three years worth of posts but most (well all) of it was unexpurgated shite anyway.


Anonymous said...

Cut and paste them all over!

a) You can alter the dates on blogger and have them with the same dates you posted on KD

b) you'll have a replica of the original

c) you can set up a flickr account for pics of the little man

d) it'll be a hassle but more interesting than work.

Anonymous said...

ooh old school-lovin it:)

Don't bother getting the painters in kinda reminds me of the old Dan Black..

the painters in! Rad's got a period..titter


Rad said...

me: Cut and paste three years worth of posts. Do you realise just how tedious that'd be?

C: Show us yer knockers! :D

Anxious said...

In Blogger, there is a way of downloading everything (I did that with DW, when I thought I might have to delete it) - does Tripepad have anything similar?

Then at least you'd have what you wrote...

Hi, by the way :)

Rad said...

Hiya Anx, thanks for dropping by mate. :)

Anonymous said...

There probably is a way of bringing it all over, but when I had a hissy fit and deleted my old blog, there was precisely one post that I wish I hadn't chopped.

Thats as much advice as I can be arsed with :)

Annie said...

Don't delete! I would miss it.

Nice new pad by the way (- but it's missing a Conor's corner.)

Rad said...

Miller: The only posts I think I'd like to keep are probably the ones concerning cats passim and the night Conor was born. I may try and rescue those

Annie: I'm working on it, I've had a flickr thingy for a couple of weeks. I just need to suss how to get it into the sidebar. All this html malarkey scares me. :D

Anonymous said...

Radley - if there are posts that you want to rescue then I agree with Mark. Cut and paste them and fix the dates. And DO IT NOW !

As for the flickr stuff, the html for the flickr badge thing is a piece of piss. Give me yr id and pw and I'll put it in yr template for you :)

Rad said...

I've already c+p'ed em into a word document. Not sure I want to repost em. It's just nice to have the words.

Cheers bud, I'll get back to you over the weekend.

Annie said...

Looky here:

Rad said...

Cheers for that Annie, as you can see I've sussed how to put it in the template. That html stuff still scares me though. :)