Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I got a letter from the government the other day

opened and read it. It said they were suckers!

Well actually it was today I got it. A nice apology from Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs apologising for losing the personal details of myself, my Wife and my two year old child, as well as twenty five million other people across the country.

I feel so much better now that they've apologised. I'm not at all worried now.

Cunting fucking incompetent MUPPETS!


Rol said...

Nice of them to waste a bit more of our money by sending out all those pointless letters too.

Rad said...

You'll be pleased to learn it was second class though.

I'm very disappointed at the lack of a business reply envelope.

Annie said...

Oh Rad. Still, not to worry, it's just possible that they mixed you up with someone else anyway...

Rad said...

Annie: You're probably veering dangerously close to the truth there.

30th February said...

You can reuse the letter when they lose your info from the ID cards :)

I read the post title and thought you were declaring yourself a Public Enemy ;)

Rad said...

Mate, I'm declaring meself a bit Tricky. ;)

David said...

Oh I got one of those!

Just think of all those people that can have their ID stolen all over again if they don't shred the letter of apology.

Rol said...

"I'm very disappointed at the lack of a business reply envelope."

Why? Were you going to take a dump in it?

Rad said...

Greavsie: It's a cheery thought.

Rol: Nothing so vulgar old bean, though I may have attempted to trap an air biscuit within.

bod said...

air biscuit? please explain!
the whole thing is shocking mate and then trying to use a junior as a scapegoat! i don't think they should be allowed out without escorts, they just might lose themselves!

Rad said...

Bod: The definition of Air Biscuit can be found in Rogers Profanisaurus. To float an air biscuit is to pass wind. :)

bod said...

ta for that rad. i'm sure i can find a use for that expression. you learn something new every day :-)