Saturday, December 30, 2006


Isn't it?
It wasn't the greatest Christmas ever at Chez Rad, myself and the Bread were a bit poorly. Bad stomachs and no appetite lead to a fab Christmas Dinner. Still we made the effort and managed to eat it all too. The little fella had a great time. Playing with all the paper he'd ripped off of all his presents was a particular highlight for him. I'm ever so grateful to my cousin who thoughtfully provided him with a v-tech bus thing that has about 3 million different tunes and phrases and is very very loud. That's a particular favourite with him. Ah well. New Year beckons. Have a good one peeps.


Anonymous said...

You too darlin:) and yeah its quiet in blogland. Cacoa

bod said...

happy new year to you all.x

Radmila said...

When my younger ss was about 4, some asshole gave him an Optimus Prime.
It was a train like thing that made about 90 different ear piercing, irritating sounds.
The batteries went missing shortly after and were never replaced...sad for the little guy, that ;).

Happy New Year to you and family!

Anonymous said...

Our neighbours bought their kids a drumkit. Yes. Do we have a name for people like that? How about people like that who seem quite happy to let said kids play with said drum kit after 11pm at night?

Happy New Year and all that, Rad.

Rad said...

C: Too quiet, I don't like it!
Dan: Bread's better, my appetite's all over the place though. Apparently it's something that's going around judging by the amount of people that have mentioned it too day.
Bod: Happy New Year darling. :)
Radmila: If it had been down to me Optimus Prime would have gone missing and a millenium falcon would've taken his place. We must strive to bring kids up correctly. :D
Rol: I think CUNTS is the word you're looking for mate. :)