Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Today I had to leave work at half ten. The Little Fella has Chicken-Pox

Yesterday I nearly cycled full pelt into a swarm of bees that was about 7 foot round.
That's a lot of bees.

Tomorrow I'm home all day with a poorly Little Fella.

Send me booze!


Anonymous said...

Aieeeeeee! Poor Little Fella! Poor you!

I have a bottle of this Chinese spirit called Mei Kuei Liu Chiew, which is basically grain alcohol flavored with rose liqueur. It is the living definition of "that which does not kill me makes me stronger." Will that suffice?

Get well soon, fellas.

Rad said...

Yes yes God yes. Send me the booze! :D

bod said...

you had chickenpox rad?

Rad said...

Yes mate. We both have.

Radmila said...

Awww, better he gets it over with now, as a little guy.

c said...

aw poor thing, cover him in white paint stuff that is cooling

bees yikes!

bod said...

yeah, thats a lot of bees mate!

Rad said...

The bees were scary. There was a gnats chuff distance between us. It was freaky deaky!

Anonymous said...

sometimes you are such a girl x

30th February said...

I hope he's feeling better mate.

Ps. Buzzzzzzzz! :)

Anonymous said...



Rad said...

Yes much thanks.
Haven't had time to post.