Thursday, February 28, 2008


Good god has it really been twenty days? I've been shamed into posting! :D
Actually I do have something to blog. The little fella slept in a bed for the first time last night. I've been dreading going from cot to bed, but he was as good as gold and apart from stirring a bit around 10pm he slept right through until 7am. I am chuffed.

In other news ... Toys toys toys. I really must update with a few more of my recent goodies.


30th February said...

Excellent news!

Now he's getting settled I guess you have much more settled sleep(?)

Rad said...

You know what mate? He's always been a really good sleeper right from when he was newborn. We quite often have to wake him up in the mornings and he really doesn't want to get out of bed. :D

How are things going with you?

Anonymous said...

oh bless- you have to wake him up?

so there's a cot going?..i could do with a bed...:)


bod said...

aw he's growing up so quickly!

Radmila said...

e-mail me with your address at

Have I got a CD for you my proper soul loving friend!

Rad said...

Cacoa: Unfortunately it's a cot bed. We converted it from cot, to bed.

Bod: He might be growing up fast but he still won't get a round in.

Radmila: Thanks mate, address sent. :)

Anonymous said...

its been four days..don't make it another 20!!

The Blog Police
(Scarier than the fashion police but not as well dressed)

Anonymous said...

Did someone call the Fashion Police?


Anonymous said...

oh thankgod backup have arrived!

Rad's shoes don't match his handbag!

Anonymous said...

Nor did he shave his legs before slipping into those fishnets.

Send him DOWN!

Anonymous said...

*suppresses urge to say something highly inappropriate*

*racks brain thinking of something fashion related to say instead*