Friday, December 28, 2007

Well what a load of old shit then...

Happy Birthday/Christmas...

Certain members of my family are going to be sooo disappointed when their birthdays come around this year.



Annie said...

Aw, Radster...

Belated Happy Birthday, anyway.

Rol said...

Ah, do you really need a day to remind how old you are now?

Rad said...

Cheers Annie.

Rol, yes, I need a day where everyone is nice to me so I can get over how old I am! ;)

bod said...

but rad, i'm ALWAYS nice to you :-)
and danny...hehehe.

30th February said...

(it's very quiet)

bod said...

suspiciously quiet...rad...what are you up to?

Rad said...

Not a lot. I'm suffering blog-lag.