And that's your own, that's your own, that's your own.
Remember that? That was The Levellers hit single back in the early 90's. A clarion call to middle class drop outs and trustafarians up and down the country to wear stinking clothes, not wash their hair, and try to ponce money off of us fucking idiots that go out to work every day. I used to work as a gardener and for 3 or 4 summers we used to end up with these cunts sleeping on the park bandstand so that no one else could use it. I'm not kidding they'd live on it from may through to september. Then they'd probably fuck off home and have a shower, while I, the cunt that went to work and contributed to their dole money cleaned up their discarded bedding and needles.
I fucking hated crusties. The breadknife and her mates were all into the Levellers, Back to the Planet, Radical Dance Faction and the like. Actually I quite liked Radical Dance Faction, they had a mad dub thing going on. But the trouble with all these band were their fans. Middle class crusty kids and scabby new age travellers. I once went to see The Levellers at Cambridge corn exchange with the Bread and one of her old schoolmates. While in the foyer they bumped into an old school friend of theirs, they're having a chat with this bloke and I'm standing on the periphery of there conversation when suddenly their mate says 'Excuse me a minute' to them, and then walks over to me and asks me if I've got any spare change. My missus is mortified, her mate looks ashamed. I tell this cunt to fuck off, and the next thing I've got some hatchet faced harpie in my face (schoolfriends' missus) telling me what a bastard I am for not giving them any money. I told her to fuck off too. The missus points out that I'm her husband but instead of apologies all I get is sulky looks. Cunts!
I ended up staying in the bar. I tried to watch the band for a while but first of all I had the usual twat with girlfriend on shoulders in front of me. Who, when I objected turned round and said 'We're only dancing man'. So I moved on and got stuck behind some daft tart who'd braided her hair with beads and was swinging said braids around like a cat 'o ' nine tails.
Fuck. That!
As you can guess I'm not a fan of Crusties. I'm an even bigger hater of Pikeys. I don't mean your common or garden Gypsy, though god knows they can be bad enough, I mean pikey's. Grungy, scrungey filthy dole scroungers who travel up and down the country in old vans and coaches. Taking over neighbourhoods, having the odd rave, generally leaving a cesspool of refuse that the local authority has to pay to clean up. We've got a bit of scrap land down the bottom of the road that's like a magnet to these fuckers. Normally they turn up every other january and stay until the eviction notice kicks in. This lot have been different. They've managed to stay for 8 months. Screaming up and down my road in their barely (if at all legal) cars. Having the occasional rave, really just putting everyones nerves on edge. They've managed this by moving to a different patch of land every couple of months. It turns out that the land is owned by four different interests. One of them gets an eviction notice, they move on to the patch next door. And so on.
Today they finally got fucked over. And you know what? I don't care that they did. Their shitty red peugot 205 got carted off on the back of a breakdown truck looking much the worse for wear. Looked to me like someone went around it with a very large piece of wood. The entrance to the land is gated, blocked by concrete posts, and then sandbags full of concrete.
There's only one way of life, and fuck everybody who it affects cos it's your own it's your own it's your own!
Of all the witless, fuckwit sentiments, this takes the biscuit. 'There's only one way of life' indeed - Do they realise they make themselves sound like Nazis?
I wish I had been a fly on the wall when he came up and asked you for money, I would pay good money myself to have seen your expression.
I was more gutted than anything. Bloody furious as well though.
I've noticed this too. Why do 99.9%of all Crusties, Squatters and Travellers just happen to be posh?? It does my head in too, i'm in building and we were just about to start work on a conversion project of new homes and a load of these never-ending student, public school twats had shacked up in it.
Some of them try and disguise their accents by trying to sound like Fagin or something, which just makes them even more fucking irritating!! They obviously have some sort of guilt about being priveliged and indulge in boose, drugs, not washing and generally smelling like dog shit to try and forget... or pretend it never happened.
I'm sure if you challenged them they'ed no doubt trot out that tired old hippy bollocks about the 'corrupt system' and 'wars and that'. The most corrupt thing about it is that those soldiers that lay down their lives do so often because of a lack of other choices in their lives. These pricks have all the choices they need and CHOOSE to drop out and be lazy wastes of space and blame everyone else for it!!!
Politicising the way they live as if they're some kind of freedom fighters on behalf of everyone else who's 'trapped in the system' is another really irritating thing they do. Do they think the rest of us are fucking stupid? Probably, they're upper middle-class like the politicians and the media and don't think we're all stupid either though do they...
The Levellers were a bunch of public school boys too as i understand it, i think one of them went to one of the best there is in Derbyshire.
'There's only one way of life' - yes it does sound a little Facistic and judging by the swastickers etched into the paintwork of this building these squatters had been in, it all makes sense. What a surprise that the good old British upper-classes should be once more associated with the good old Nazis...
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