Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Doesn't take long does it?

Suddenly I'm a shit blogger all over again. I get so many ideas for stuff to write and then, by the time I can sit down 'poooooof' and it's gone.

Some things that piss me off.


People that vote Tory.

Cunts (see above).

Anyone else notice how the day after looking a complete cunt on national television that oily git Cameron announces he's getting a nice cute kitty-kat for number 10. Aaaaaaaah ain't that lovely?



Annie said...

I agree. But what puzzles me is when people act all surprised that he's a cunt. I can't handle the constant stream of newspaper/radio/tv mentions of him being a cunt and then acting all amazed about it. WELL OF COURSE HE'S A CUNT! Duh!

I like this article too.


Rad said...

Oooh ta for the link mate. I love what UKuncut are doing. :)